a forest with fallen leaves

Soul Dog Ltd

Hello everyone, 

In February 2023 I lost a pretty vital chunk of my being. My beautiful girl who had been the strongest part of me for nearly 8 years left us quickly and unexpectedly. It was safe to say I was heartbroken.

I like to think that special souls come into our lives and equally leave our lives for a reason. I rescued Poppet in 2015 and the mutual need we had for each other was evident. The love was simply unconditional.

Just a few months before her passing I met my partner. Poppet fell in love with him too, giving me a very clear nod of approval, but this moment simultaneously came with an aggressive form of cancer that took her in no more than two weeks.

The only way I made sense of her departure was that she was telling me her job here was done, she was passing the baton to my partner, and that I was now going to be ok.  She was right. Life is good, and I am happy, but the bittersweet is that she is not here to share it, not in person anyway.

Poppet was my soul dog, she still is, and she always will be.

So, here I am writing the 'About' section on my website for a company I have named in her honour to create joyful, colourful, custom collars, keychains, bracelets, and one day much more....